#34, Butterfly Trail @ Alexandra Hospital

Wheehee. Just a short post with photos: I decided to pop by Alexandra Hospital today and (finally) I brought my camera. The butterflies were less skittish, probably because there was a light drizzle but anyhoohows, it was quite an amazing sight!

Blue grassy tiger

Chocolate pansy

Common six ring

Dingy bush brown

(Common?) grass yellow

Credits to http://www.sgbug.org/butterflies/singapore.php for identification of some of the butterflies.

Nacaduba calauria malayica

The moult of an nymph cicada (thanks SY for ID! :D)

A moth, I surmise!

I wish I'd be able to say more but I don't really know much :o( Oh well, till then. I will read up more!


ts said...

The moult belongs to a cicada nymph :)

Unknown said...

ooh thank you v much! haha oops i just saw the comment tday.